Large Rose Gold Pocket Watch

Large Rose Gold Pocket Watch



The pocket watch I have been most anticipating this year has finally arrived and is in stock here at

It has all the features I really love in a pocket watch, first of all it has a size of 5.4 cm in diameter, this is larger than any of the other Woodford pocket watches and larger than most other modern watches on the market today. The extra size gives it more ‘presence’ than the average watch and is reminiscent of the size of a Victorian pocket watch.  It has an ivory face, a very light ivory white, which sits perfectly against the warm rose gold of the case.

Speaking of which, the Rose Gold is warm, glowing, yet not in the least brash or harsh. Some modern rose golds I find too strong in colour, this Woodford model has a really wonderful warmth about it. It is achieved by mixing small amounts of copper into the gold plate.

The design of the face is very pleasing and I really like the use of the a separate dial for the seconds.

The case design is that of a full hunter, so the watch glass is fully protected when opened, the case is also of the double opening variety which allows the back of the case to flip open too. This has two effects, it allows you to see into the rear workings of the watch, which is wonderful in itself; it also allows the pocket watch to sit on a desk fully open and self supporting but the open case lids.

The watch mechanism which is visible through the rear of the watch is very interesting to watch as the springs and cogs work with each other to give their regulation of time. The mechanical mechanism is 17 jewel, this mean it contains 17 tiny gems used at certain points in the mechanism. They are inserted at points where metal pivots on metal, this is done to prevent wear between the two metal parts, the polished gems are very hard indeed, and the repeated movement of metal against polished gem stone makes for a far longer lasting watch that needs far less oil and maintenance than a non-jewellled one.  17 from that point of view is a magic number, a 17 jewelled watch is often called ‘fully jewelled’ as all the important pivot points have gems added to them.